If you or someone you know is struggling with pornography, the following organizations offer help for overcoming addiction and for helping an addict’s family cope with the devastation.
SA-Sexaholics Anonymous
A national 12-step program for sexual addicts and sexual offenders. Mostly males attending. (615) 370-6062; www.sa.org
National 12-Step program for spouses of sexual addicts and partners of sexual offenders. Primarily married women attending. Companion program to SA. (615) 833-3152; www.sanon.org
SCA Sexual Compulsives Anonymous
Mostly urban 12-step program, primarily for sexual addicts. (800) 977-4325; www.sca-recovery.org
SLAA Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous
National 12-step program for sexual addicts and those with patterns of unhealthy romantic relationships. Greater female attendance; some “women only” meetings. (781) 255-8825; www.slaafws.org
SAA Sex Addicts Anonymous
A National 12-step program for sexual addicts and some sexual offenders. Scattered meetings have female attendance. (800) 477-8191; www.sexaa.org
National 12-Step program for partners of sexual addicts and sexual offenders. Both men and women attending. Companion program to SAA. (763) 537-6904; www.cosa-recovery.org
– Carol McGalliard