Many women who have had abortions anonymously post their regrets online, often years later — like one who named her aborted baby Faith because the mother “needed faith that [the baby] had gone to a better place.”
A Google search revealed 5,880,000 results to the phrase “abortion regret” (as of December 18, 2012). Another search produced 6,580,000 to “abortion guilt.” The Internet’s anonymity can provide a safe place for healing for these women.
If you are one of them, three sites can help you get started toward healing:
Abortion statistics show one in four women will have had an abortion by age thirty.* There is no distinction between Christians and non-Christians regarding abortion. (Some say the church has a higher rate of abortion compared to the general population because of the stigma of single motherhood among Christians.)
Abortion affects far more than 25 percent of the women among us. The mothers, sisters, and grandmothers of those who had an abortion also share the loss and/or guilt, especially the ones who encouraged, supported, or coerced us. The men (boyfriends, husbands, fathers) whose girlfriend, wife, or daughter aborted must also deal with the consequences. And as the years go by and we marry (and perhaps divorce) and have other children, our new husbands, daughters, and sons may need to be told and bear that knowledge.
— Lin Russell
* Guttmacher Institute. In Brief: Fact Sheet. Facts on Induced Abortion in the United States. August 2011.