Ballman, Ray. The How and Why of Home Schooling. Crossway Books. 1987.
Fugate, J. Richard. What the Bible Says About . . . Child Training. Aletheia Publishers. 1980.
Leman, Dr. Kevin. Making Children Mind Without Losing Yours. Dell Publishers. 1984.
Moore, Dr. Raymond. Home Grown Kids. Word Publishers. 1981.
Moore, Dr. Raymond. Home School Burnout. Wolgemuth Hyatt Publishers. 1988.
Shakelford, Luanne and Susan White. Survivors Guide to Home Schooling. Crossway Books. 1989.
Whitehead, John W. and Alexis I. Crow. Home Education: Rights and Reasons. Crossway Books. 1993.
The Teaching Home P. O. Box 469069 Escondido, CA 92046-9069
Homeschooling Today P. O. Box 956 Lutz, FL 33549
Practical Home SchoolingHome Life P.O. Box 1250 Fenton, MO 63026