How God delivers from self-deceptionand co-dependency. by Susan Johnson* ย “You expected me to love you โ just for existing.” My soon-to-be ex-husband left me to ponder these words as he walked out the door. Waves of guilt and sadness washed over me. I had left Ernie nine months before. Our attempts at reconciliation had…
Category: Home and Family
Desires For Romance
How a woman with right priorities builds intimacywith God before finding the right mate. by Kristin Kuenzle ย Why do so many girls immerse themselves in relationships with guys who are not who they really need or even want? How can a guy who normally would be such a spiritual turnoff suddenly become appealing? When…
Eighteen Steps
Sometimes coming to Christ is slow but sure. by Alice Swope ย The nightmare was going into phase two. Ed, my 50-year-old husband, was finally going home. The wheelchair, whishing on the wet pavement, seemed to scream the doctor’s parting words: “Ed has progressed further than we had any right to expect. Do not break…
Broken Vessel
How God repaired and restored a shattered life. by Therese Marszalek ย I stared at the once-broken flower vase. Careful hands had rearranged the clay pieces and glued them together. Inside a small candle burned; the flame peeked through the jagged cracks, creating a beautiful reflection in the darkness of the room. The damaged yet…
Choosing to Love
What God did with the rotten remainsof a failing marriage. by Kathy Collard Miller ย When Larry and I had been married seven years, we were completely disillusioned with each other. I couldn’t understand why he didn’t love me anymore. He certainly was far from being the Prince Charming I’d married. Oh Lord, what’s wrong…
The Tender Place in Childless Families
It’s not a sin to be a family of two. by Dianne E. Butts ย “Did that question bother you?” Debbie asked. We were studying the biblical story of Hannah, a married woman who for a long time couldn’t conceive. We discussed how she might have taught her toddler, Samuel, about God before leaving him…
Tips for Helping Infertile Couples
Do’s and don’ts on a difficult subject. by Marlo Schalesky ย Infertile couples are everywhere — in our churches, small groups, families, and neighborhoods. In fact, one out of every six couples in America experience infertility. And despite their polite smiles, these couples are often hurting — filled with longing, pain, and questions that have…
If God Really Loved Me . . .
When we don’t understand God’s ways. by Marlo Schalesky ย “Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so. . . .” It’s such a simple song. I learned it as a child and sang it probably a thousand times. I never thought to doubt it, until a few short years ago….
Childless on Mother’s Day
by Marlo M. Schalesky ย This was the day I dreaded most of the year. I almost stayed home. I almost pleaded sickness. I almost rolled over in bed and pulled the covers over my head in tight denial. But I didn’t. Now, though, I wished I had. With trembling hands, I clutched my Bible…
Dreams That Grow Bigger After They’re Broken
by Mary Dunham ย She had nothing that was exclusively hers. She shared her husband with another woman: his name, his love, his bed. She had no children of her own to keep her company during the long nights when he was with her, no one to take her side during the days of sizzling…