What it means to live intimately with the Son of God.
by Tami Rudkin
He said to me: “It is done. I am the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End. To him who is thirsty I will give to drink without cost from the spring of the water of life (Revelation 21:6, NIV).
“I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty” (1:8, NIV).
It was there all along. I just had never seen it before.
Have you ever spoken those words, thought those thoughts, lived that life?
I have.
Almost frantically, I explored various paths of life in search of my personal purpose . . . for the work I had been created to do . . . for what would give my earthly existence deep, eternal meaning. Many restless nights I tossed and turned. I dreamed of a blueprint I was to be a part of, some plan that would give me a reason to get out of bed each morning. But the apparitions of my starless nights and the dreams by the light of day appeared misty — out of reach somehow.
As the years passed, an aching anguish consumed me as I imagined that I may never know my fulfillment. Or that I may have somehow been negligent and missed the message of design. That I could reach my journey’s end and never have done my part, reached the goal, accomplished my destiny.
Seeing Jesus
And then, like falling in love for the first time, I met Jesus. The eyes of my heart were opened to Him. Jesus, the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End.
He had been here all along, but I had never really seen Him.
Little had I known that everything I had dreamed of would be realized in Him. I hadn’t understood that all that I had longed for deep within my spirit would find fulfillment in simply knowing Jesus, in being in relationship with Him. My every thought, my every motive, my every act, my every emotion would belong first to Him. All I could ever desire being and doing would originate with Him and would end with Him.
He is the Alpha and Omega.
I no longer search for my significance in doing things that would please Him: I am His pleasure.
I no longer dream of all the wonderful things I could create for Him: I am His treasured creation.
I no longer strive to be His perfect hand tool: I am becoming His perfection.
I no longer beat my head against the wall, toss endlessly in the night, and wake every morning questioning, “What is it I am to do?” He has always been here, from the very first breath I took, whispering, “You are the love of My life, precious, valuable, and created purposefully to be one with Me.”
Yes, He has been here all along. I had missed Him somehow. But now all that I am today and hope to be tomorrow is wrapped up in the Alpha and Omega.
When I play catch with my sons, I please Him.
When I weed and water the garden, I honor Him.
When I serve my neighbor, I love Him.
When I teach Bible School, I witness of His greatness.
When I cry tears of sadness, I feel His heartache.
When I laugh in happiness with friends, I enter His joy
Since the moment Jesus created the vast green oceans, the array of twinkling stars, and the towering blue mountains, He had me in mind, guiding me, shaping me, loving me. And to eternity He shall travel with me, giving each day passionate, intentional meaning.
My destiny? Intimacy with Jesus.
As never before, my heart soars with the wonder of the One who has forever been, is now, and will always be with me. The One who called Himself the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End.
About the Author
Tami Rudkin lives in Casper, WY. She has been published frequently in Discipleship Journal and has written 20 devotionals for Pathways to God (Warner Press). This article and the many others of Tami’s in our archive are taken from her book His Silhouette.