How can we reach out to those who are grieving? In my grief journey as a widow, I gained valuable insights about a support system.
- Accept my feelings. Don’t make me feel as if I have to apologize or be ashamed of my grief.
- Give me time to mourn.
- Listen to me. Let me tell my story. Allow me the healing of reliving those last days and weeks.
- Offer practical help. Your experience and expertise are invaluable.
- Continue to call or send a note or card. Months later, I will still need you.
- Include me in your activities.
- Hug me gently. I’m fragile, and a soft touch brings comfort.
- Don’t misinterpret my needs or make assumptions. I’m not interested in your spouse; I’m grieving, not looking.
- Pray for me and with me.
- Help me laugh again. Laughter, too, heals.
— Becky LeRud