Receiving the grim news about cancer turns anyone’s world upside down. It did for one couple who chose to see lessons in the experience.
Tag: Christian Faith

Seeing With Eyes of Faith
When a near-drowning sends her brother to the hospital, a woman dares to look past the diagnosis to the divine power of God.
God With Us
The Bible is a fascinating collage of story and song, wisdom and rules, promises and prophecy, letters and news and history, and so much more. All of it is God’s Word, an assorted composition that touches the ordinary and extraordinary of life. Mysteriously united by the Holy Spirit, it is God’s transforming revelation to us. …

Why Wait?
Sometimes it’s everyday irritations; sometimes it’s larger events in life that keep us waiting when we’d rather get the answer and go forward. But, as one woman learned, God doesn’t go by our schedule — and for good reasons.
The Other Way
It’s been a busy summer of traveling. Road trips over the last three months have taken me, and the family, on ministry adventures to Texas, Colorado, Oklahoma, Illinois, Missouri, and North Dakota. It was fun and rewarding, but put more miles in our old Pontiac than I care to count. A constant companion on these…
What Should I Do?
A friend, a loved one, a church member has strayed off course, going their own way, neglecting or rejecting the good they’ve known. How can I help? What should I do? Every pastor, parent, and person will at some point be faced with this challenge. I’ve lost count of the times I’ve asked these questions…
Alice Takes the Wheel
I’ll never forget the time a few friends and I taught Alice how to drive. But I’m a little reluctant to tell the tale, even after all these years. You’ll see why. How Alice actually came to be adopted by my church youth group is beyond memory. Perhaps it was because this sweet little old…
When I’m Weak
My friend Scott has Parkinson’s disease. He is only in his fifties, but the tremors are getting bad. Recently, Scott went to New York City to explore alternative treatments. When he returned, we visited — mainly about his strange encounter at New York’s LaGuardia airport. As Scott made his way to the United Airlines terminal,…
Take Care!
I live in a rural and fairly homogenous Midwest community, but recently I learned that a close-knit community book club was close to folding over the cultural and political strife gripping the nation. Increasingly among friends and neighbors, cracks of disagreement are yawning into canyons of division. Without resorting to all the outrage posts all…
A Present Silence
The necessary distance to grieve death together. by Jason Overman I had a recurring nightmare as a child. From about five years of age to 12, I dreamed about my mother drowning and being unable to reach or rescue her. I’d wake in a sweat, or in tears, and run to her bedside, only…