How God tends the gardens of our hearts. by Teresa Harris In the winter of 2022, just weeks after my dad’s earthly journey ended, I stood gazing out at the lake not far from my home. The soft wind created gentle waves, reflecting the brilliance of the sun. As I raised my hand to…
Category: Home and Family

The unique ways God shows up when we trust Him. by Denise E. Arzoian Some people see God in a sunset. Others, in the eyes of a child. Me? I see God in a ’98 Buick. Our daughter, Jennifer, was married with three children when we started noticing some alarming behavior in her. She…

Broken for Blessing
God turns financial mayhem into life-changing miracles. by Heather Roberts “I’m telling you for your own good. I need you to take a deeper look. Something doesn’t smell right, and I’m always correct about these things. You’ll thank me later, buddy.” The real estate banker gave my husband, John, a sad smile. John left the…

Two is the Loneliest Number
Caregiving is one of the toughest jobs there is, especially when the patient is a loved one. How do you handle the physical, relational, and emotional changes? Read one woman’s honest journey through her mother’s toughest days and the secret to her survival.

Support for the Caregiver
by Joyann Dwire After Mom passed away, I became co-facilitator of my church’s caregiver support group and discovered that what I had endured with my mother was not unique. In fact, many participants were dealing with more hardships than I had. Often the stress of caregiving was compounded by a lack of support —…

Childless on Father’s Day
We often hear about the very real woes of women who cannot get pregnant. But what do men go through when they and their wives are denied the gift of a child? In this story, a man gives insight into his emotions and the surprising positives God brought out of their childlessness.

Suffering Rewarded
Pregnancy can bring not just physical pain to a woman but emotional pain as well. Through time in nature and God’s help in prayer, one woman overcame her anxieties and self-doubt about becoming a mother.
Gospel Growth, Gospel Love, Gospel Identity, and Gospel Transformation, published by Serge, previously known as World Harvest Mission. These books/small group study guides are excellent for Christians overcoming abuse, trauma, or a difficult childhood. Please visit

A Modern Sarah
Children are a blessing of the Lord, the Bible says. But some women don’t have the privilege of enjoying that blessing, for one reason or another. For one woman, the blessing of a baby came in a way she never expected.

Present Loss, Future Hope
It happens in more and more families these days: a spouse’s forgetfulness, then increasing signs of memory loss. One woman cared for her husband as long as she could but had to stop after his dementia worsened. God made sure she was not alone.